…over the last six months these two [Social Networking] “professionals” have spent most of their time strong-arming employees who have large social followings (including myself) into giving them our social usernames and passwords for personal accounts, so they can Tweet and Post things on our behalf without our permission. I noticed in my LinkedIn timeline […]
After getting laid off as a highly-paid programmer at a startup I had the good fortune (??) to land another job within 2 weeks. It was a three month contract at another startup company in a high-rise downtown. The pay was much less and I had no benefits – but I had to take it […]
I am pleased to announce that Todd [last name misspelled and later corrected by SVP] has been appointed to the newly created position of Vice President, Group Marketing and will report to me. The dynamics of consumer marketing and circulation will warrant us growing our business through new revenue streams and channels and this role […]
2 Emails Received… It has come to VP of Development [name]’s attention that the snack table in engineering has has exceeded $400 a week in costs. This is unacceptable, as we are trying to cut costs. A monthly budget for snacks has been allocated and when it’s out, it’s out. Next email only minutes later: […]