Mergers and Acquisitions

As of Monday, [Company Name] is now a fully-ownded subsidiary of [Company 2]. We are pleased and proud to be party of the [Company 2] team! As you might expect, in the near future, we will have some administrative changes and benefits changes, as well as a review of procedure and organizational matters. Next Thursday during the lunchhour, we are having a voluntary (but highly reccomended) ‘brown bag’ meeting to answer questions and discuss events of this week. Please attend!

[Ed: What, no pizza? Business meeting during the lunch hour? Maybe they sold to the wrong company.]

One Response to “Mergers and Acquisitions”

  1. 1
    Paul Smith

    At our company they often have meetings at dinner, or even better at 5.30pm on a Friday so as not to interfere with the busy work schedule!

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