TLA = Three Letter Acronym
Please be advised that the RVI system should NOT be used today due to the ITS/HSY integration. It will be available tomorrow. There is no guarantee that any items sent via the RVI system today will be available tomorrow and the system may not function as anticipated.
If you experience any problems, please contact your local ITS department or Support Services at the SSC.
[Ed. This has gone WTF (way to far? …or does that stand for something else?)]
You don’t even have to know what the acronyms stand for in order to use them. They sound impressive and maybe everyone else will be intimidated, thinking they ought to know what “RVI “stands for.
While working for a large software corporation in a little town called Redmond, I introduced XTLAs, or eXtended-TLAs, to “foster multi-disciplinary efficacy”. Apparently the concept was too complex for daily use and XTLAs never caught on, last I heard.