So, at the bottom of every email my boss ends me is his signature. At the very bottom of the signature, it says: “T.E.A.M. Together Each Achieves More” By achieving more he must mean that the employee spends his time back pedaling all of his bosses mistakes and errors?
The following appeared on a resume recently sent to my company…these bullet points contained the worst offenses, although the entire resume was quite a stinker. [Ed: I’m sure he was hired instantaneously.] * Project: OMCR MIB/UI For CDMA EGP Feature * Developed OMCR MIB/UI Enhanced Generic Processor feature for CDMA network * Designed feature to […]
Please be advised that the RVI system should NOT be used today due to the ITS/HSY integration. It will be available tomorrow. There is no guarantee that any items sent via the RVI system today will be available tomorrow and the system may not function as anticipated. If you experience any problems, please contact your […]